Date Released : 13 December 2001
Quality : Good
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Starring : Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly
Genre : Biography | Drama
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The film A Beautiful Mind tells the story of a mathematician John Nash (Russell Crowe) Nobel laureates in economic science in 1994. A genius mathematician but not sympathetic, aka apathetic. Starting in 1947 when he went to college with a scholarship Carniege Princeton. John Nash is a unique student, he did not like the lectures and the like mbolos, because he attended only a waste of time and curb one's creativity, and just make dull brain. Nash prefers self-taught, understand and solve the dynamics of natural movement through his own highly creative thinking. Nash spending more time outside the classroom to get their original ideas to achieve her doctorate. Finally he managed to be accepted at prestigious research centers, Defense Wheeler Lab at MIT.
On the other side of Nash's mental illness schizoprenia which is a mental disorder that can not differentiate between hallucination and what is real. Actually, the disease has been suffered since he was at Princeton, but it gets worse when he taught at MIT. Nash's life began to change when he asked the Pentagon to solve the secret code that sent the Soviet army. There, he met the undercover agent William Parcher. From the secret agent, he was given a job as a spy. This new job makes Nash obsessed until he forgot the time and living in his own world.
How does the end of Nash's life story?
Editor by Admin Cinema-31